Functional Medicine & Wellness

Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

At Omnia Health, we see so many patients suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). This has similar symptoms to Inflammatory Bowel Disease, but is not the same thing. When someone has been diagnosed with IBS, it doesn’t tell us much beyond the discomfort of bloating, constipation, reflux and other gut health issues they have been experiencing. Getting a diagnosis is just scratching the surface.

Our experienced team takes great pride in working to find the why behind the what of our patients. It’s a syndrome. Many doctors in the medical field will do the bare minimum of testing and give one of the following responses before sending you on your way. 

Your scope is negative

Your colonoscopy looked great

We didn’t find any H pylori in your biopsy


If your IBS symptoms persist, don’t let this be the end of the road. Omnia Health will help you to pave a new path toward determining why your gut is not functioning the way it should. There are so many reasons that could have led to your IBS diagnosis, which is why we are thorough and diligent in our testing. A couple of the major ones we assess include SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and SIFO (Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth). 

Together, SIBO and SIFO are the cause of nearly 60 percent of people suffering from IBS. 

When we have a true understanding of the cause, we are able to implement a more effective treatment plan. Despite IBS being a chronic issue, it is possible for you to lead a symptom-free, gut healthy life. At Omnia Health, helping people feel better is what we do best!

Adding A Third Test To The Mix

In addition to taking a look at SIBO and SIFO, Omnia Health makes observing post-infectious IBS a priority. This particular type of IBS usually begins after a bout of intestinal enteritis (inflammation of the intestines) or gastroenteritis (stomach infection). These infections are usually caused by eating or drinking foods contaminated with things such as: 



Parasites i.e. Food Poisoning


Suffering from any of these issues can actually turn into an autoimmune disease, making it even more important to monitor for post-infectious IBS. Keeping an eye out for elevated levels any and all of the above mentioned “bad guys” can help to avoid long-term health issues. 

Here in Colorado, Giardia is a common form of post-infectious IBS. People spend time in the mountains and it’s likely they go in the water and/or have their dogs with them. As a result, patients end up suffering from health issues such as chronic giardia, which wreaks havoc on their gut and causes inflammation throughout their entire body. 

Approximately one-third of people who have a digestive tract infection will go on to develop Post-Infectious IBS.


Additionally, Omnia Health is always on the lookout for things like Dysbiosis, fungal overgrowth, bad bacteria overgrowth, parasites, and worms. All of these things can cause IBS-based symptoms and there are many more culprits we could add to this list. 

Get The IBS Support You Deserve

Being diagnosed with IBS is not the end. It’s just the beginning. You need to be persistent and seek out the medical advice and care you deserve. It’s time to understand what’s actually going on with you. IBS is a different experience for everyone and treatment plans must be customized to the individual. Not everyone takes that approach but at Omnia Health, we recognize that every patient is unique.

Dr. Jacqui Pariset suffered from IBS as well. She coped with it for 15+ years until she figured out her symptoms were being caused by a severe gluten sensitivity. Once she solved that mystery, Dr. Jacqui was able to remove gluten from her diet and like magic (also known as functional health), she was free of her IBS, no longer suffered from headaches, and enjoyed having clear skin. 

Now it’s your turn to be the next success story! When it comes to IBS, there are so many resources out there that are available to you and so much that we here at Omnia Health can do to help you. 

Follow us on Instagram or Facebook {omniahealthcolorado} or join our newsletter to learn more about our dedicated team and the wide array of services we offer. 




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